Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Would "Axe Body Spray" By Any Other Name Hijack an Olfactory System?

I am someone who has the unfortunate liability of being sensitive to smells.  This has gotten worse with time, and can really put a kink in my day, or even create a problem from which I must exit certain situations altogether.  I do sometimes wear a fragrance however I do not obnoxiously douse my body in a smell that I appreciate.  Small spritz on the back of the neck on which I dab my wrists, and c'est la vie.  Which is why I have such a problem with commercials below.  This is a playbook for how NOT to teach young people how to apply fragrance.   

Figure 1
The day for our (smelly) violator begins with a VERY generous application of a body spray, which suddenly turns the gangly, peach-fuzz covered young man in Figure 1 into "Chocolate Man", shown below in Figure 2.
Figure 2
How does "Chocolate Man" fill his day, you ask?  The begins with the promise of attractive you women being taken by his overwhelming scent to the point of distraction (Figure 3), as they can hardly manage to keep on task with their chosen activities.
Figure 3
Next he's off to a picnic whereupon he is a featured food. (No need to get too Freudian in terms of the actions in which they are partaking.)
Figure 4
Figure 5
As Figure 6 would lead you to believe, what perfect day for the "Chocolate Man" would be complete without two women actively licking and fondling him during a movie?
Figure 6
Figure 7
Finally, our fair hero confirms that all of his daily dalliances were all due to the irresistible beckoning of "Lynx" spray on scent, which I assume is how Axe Body Spray is being sold in a different country.  Well, here in America Axe Body Spray is how young men and boys try their hardest to hide their impatience with various hygiene standards, and yet are still attempting to draw in positive attention in their amorous pursuits.  And that just stinks all around.

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